Fight 1: Rightfod v Makuebo
Fight 2 Calvert v Groth
But in the second round Groth managed to keep the fight standing by avoiding a take down. He dominated the round with some crisp striking even though he got carried away at times, it seemed as if Calvert began to give up in his head though and the fight was ended with a beautiful combination by Groth that was climaxed with a left hook to the body.
You can't help but feel sorry for one of the hardest working men in MMA, Calvert, but I guess it happens sometimes, there was some trouble for him making the cut to lightweight because he was already a very lean welterweight and there was also some chatter about him having a flu.
Great debut for Groth though some impressive striking ground game needs a little work, would love to see him back in the cage ASAP.
This was also the KO of the night and much deserved too.
Fight 3: Scheepers v Ahana
Scheepers adds some much needed depth to the light heavyweight division, with the striking he showed it gonna be interesting to see how his next opponent will deal with him.
Fight 4: Henderson v Vapi
The talking point of this fight was that this was Henderson's 1st win in a while and he decided to call out The Jedi Josh Muller suggesting that Henderson will going down and trying his luck at welterweight.
Nel ended up on Da Silva's back and managed to ground and pound his way to victory, there was some suspicion of strikes to the back of the head but the referee didn't call it, good victory for Nel, knowing that he would rather not exchange strikes with 'Loco' himself.
Nel is also flirting with the idea of going down to the featherweight division, with wrestling that he portrayed at this past event you can't help but already put him in the mix at the lighter division.
Fight 6: Nzirawa v Griessel
Griessel managed to keep the distance between him and 'Superman' as short as possible even taking him down. Griessel maintained top position even though it was in Nzirawa's guard he kept pounding away and managed to avoid a couple of kimura attempts. The thing thing that impressed me was that Griessel kept Nzirawa against the cage making it tough for the Kimura favouring fighter to put on a submission or to take the fight back to his feet. All in all a well deserved unanimous decision victory win for Griesssel.
Fight 7: Momah v Van Staden
Amusing entrance with him coming out tweeting, it will be interesting to see whether he will be coming out with such confidence against Bagattin at EFC
This is the first of 2 installments of a planned write up on EFC09, the second shall follow soon.
1 comment:
Fight 1: Rightford won by majority decision not unanimous. Mukuebo definitely deserved one round, but Rightford definitely dominated in two rounds with knees and leg kicks and some good punches, one almost knocking Mukuebo off his feet. Fight could of gone either way, but I think the judges made the right decision. Good job from both fighters!
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